Seeds of Their Memories: a Heart That Is Broken Open through Loss
2021, Quilted Textile, felt, ink, poly-fil
45 x 27 x 5 inches
Attempting to Smile
2020, Quilted textile, felt,memory foam,yarn
35 x 28.25 x2.5 inches
Over time I taught myself to hold my throat shut and force the energy into my belly.
Assuming it dissipated into my body, not realizing it gathered
2021, Quilted Textile indigo dye, poly-fil,paint
27 x 24 x 8 inches
Moon God Alchemizing
2021, Quilted textile, paint, felt, Sharpie
58.x 28.5 inches
2021, Quilted textile, ink, Sharpie, indigo dyed rope
44 x 55 inches
Right Hand From Heaven (They communicate with Us, through Us)
2021, Quilted textile, paint
28.5 x 35.5 inches
Images, courtesy of Nationale gallery, by Mario Gallucci